Flexibility Under Fire: Leading High-Stakes Creative Projects

Flexibility Under Fire: Leading High-Stakes Creative Projects

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September 3, 2024

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Learn how flexibility and decisive leadership led to record-breaking success in Dartmouth’s largest alumni fundraising event. Discover strategies for navigating high-stakes creative projects and driving impactful results.

Flexibility Under Fire: Leading High-Stakes Creative Projects

In creative leadership, the ability to adapt quickly and lead decisively is what separates success from failure—especially when the stakes are high. This became crystal clear during a project with Dartmouth College, where our team was tasked with designing and producing the Dartmouth Next: Great Issues New Perspectives livestream series. The challenge? Creating a high-production, TV studio-style lecture series during the COVID-19 pandemic, with all the complications of remote work and a ticking clock.

Why It Matters:
The project demanded a level of flexibility and quick thinking that tested our team’s limits. Just two weeks before launch, a new senior member at Dartmouth introduced significant changes to the already completed work. This wasn’t just a minor tweak; it required a complete pivot in our approach. Instead of letting this derail the project, we embraced the challenge.

With tight deadlines, remote collaboration, and high production standards to maintain, the pressure was immense. But this is where the power of adaptability came into play. We mobilized our team, extended work hours, and implemented structured project management to keep everything on track. Incentives like bonuses and extra vacation days helped maintain morale during these critical shifts.

Adaptability in Action:
As the Creative Director, I had to quickly translate the new directives into actionable design changes while ensuring that our visual elements remained aligned with Dartmouth’s prestigious brand. This meant reworking everything from dynamic video openers to on-screen graphics, all while maintaining a cohesive and high-quality visual narrative.

Working with Dark Star Productions, we utilized professional-grade video walls, lighting, and sound to create an engaging remote experience. But it wasn’t just about the technology—it was about making sure every element resonated with Dartmouth’s academic values while also pushing the boundaries of what a virtual event could be.

Leading Through Change:
In moments like these, clear communication and decisive leadership are key. I led my team through the last-minute changes, ensuring that everyone was aligned and motivated. By keeping the lines of communication open and using digital collaboration tools effectively, we were able to turn a potential setback into an opportunity for innovation.

The result? A multi-season lecture series that exceeded engagement expectations and set a new standard for virtual academic events. Viewer engagement rates soared, feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and the project laid the groundwork for future collaborations.

Creative Direction & Impact:
The success of this project didn’t just end with the livestream series. The experience and momentum gained played a crucial role in Dartmouth’s “Call to Lead” campaign, which became the largest alumni fundraising event in the college's history. This campaign set records for the highest alumni participation and the most funds raised, greatly exceeding initial targets. It significantly boosted Dartmouth's visibility and engagement within the alumni community, showcasing how adaptability and strong creative direction can lead to monumental success.


  • Embrace Change: In high-stakes projects, change is inevitable. Your ability to adapt and lead your team through it will determine the project’s success.
  • Stay Flexible: Whether it’s reworking designs at the last minute or pivoting the entire project, flexibility is essential in creative leadership.
  • Lead with Clarity: Decisive leadership and clear communication can turn challenges into opportunities. Keep your team aligned and motivated, especially when the pressure is on.

By staying flexible under fire, you not only deliver on high expectations but also drive innovation in ways that might not have been possible under less challenging circumstances, contributing to long-term success and significant impact.

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