Luxury Real Estate Rebrand

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A brand identity online presence for enhanced engagement in luxury real estate.

Lux Residential

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Lux Residential





Spearheaded a four-month rebranding initiative for Lux Residential, a project resulting from the merger of high-end property management and sales companies. Developed a new brand strategy from scratch, including market research, a vibrant visual identity, and a comprehensive deployment across digital and physical platforms. The rebrand aimed to simplify and unify post-merger brands, clarify operations, and create a clear communication strategy.

Key Challenge:
Midway through the design phase, the company name had to be changed, requiring a quick pivot and additional resources. Despite this, the project stayed on track, and team morale was maintained through motivational leadership.

Strategic Impact:
Positioned Lux Residential as the premier high-end property management company in Portland, Maine. Introduced Webflow and Cloudflare to enhance the website’s design flexibility, performance, and security. The switch from WordPress resulted in a 70% increase in site speed and a 30% reduction in security risk.

Lux Residential


Business Outcomes:
Initial feedback shows a marked increase in brand recognition and clarity, both internally and externally. The rebranding has already begun contributing to Lux Residential’s goal of becoming known for premium management offerings, setting a solid foundation for long-term growth and client retention.

This rebrand established Lux Residential as the distinguished leader of quality living in Portland, Maine, significantly enhancing their market presence and operational clarity.

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Lux Residential
Lux Residential
Lux Residential


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