Gravity Short Series

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An engaging ten-episode series documenting the entrepreneurial journey of a founder and CEO, driving significant digital growth.

Gravity Short Series

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Gravity Short Series





One Planet Group enlisted me to elevate their CEO’s digital presence through a comprehensive digital campaign. This project centered around the "Gravity" series, a powerful ten-episode collection that intertwined the CEO’s journey from Iranian refugee to billion-dollar entrepreneur with incredible personal milestones. Alongside the series, I created motion graphics, trailers, and social media content to ensure a cohesive and impactful narrative across all platforms.

The primary challenge was to authentically capture the multifaceted nature of Zamani’s story while producing high-quality content within a lean budget. This included filming across diverse locations, maintaining creative consistency, and ensuring that the narrative resonated with both current and potential followers.

Creative Execution:
Leading every aspect of the project—from producing and directing the "Gravity" series to creating motion graphics, trailers, and social media stories—I ensured that each piece of content was aligned with One Planet’s branding and storytelling goals. Utilizing RED cameras and prime lenses, we achieved cinematic quality throughout the series, which was filmed in various locations, including One Planet’s headquarters in Walnut Creek and San Francisco. The episodic format allowed for a deep dive into Zamani’s journey, while the supporting content amplified his presence across digital platforms.

Gravity Short Series


The digital campaign delivered significant results across multiple channels:

  • YouTube Success: The content garnered over 300,000 views, with standout episodes like "The Bleeding Mile" reaching 111,000 views and "A Man of Faith" achieving 50,000 views.
  • Instagram Engagement: The campaign resulted in over 150,000 likes on Instagram, with key posts like interviews and motion graphics achieving high engagement. Episode 10 of the series alone received 12,200 views.
  • Follower Growth: Zamani’s Instagram followers grew dramatically from approximately 54.6k to 428k, with our high-quality and engaging content playing a crucial role in this expansion and increased engagement.

The digital campaign not only enhanced the CEO’s online presence but also reinforced One Planet’s brand narrative, establishing enduring social proof that continues to benefit the company’s reputation and influence.

Produced a comprehensive digital campaign, including a ten-episode series, motion graphics, trailers, and social content, driving 300k+ YouTube views, 150k+ Instagram likes, and contributed to growing the CEO’s followers from 54.6k to 428k.

Work with me


Working with the team at Equality was a wonderful experience. Jo and his team were able to capture and convey the depth and emotion of my personal story. The team is talented and professional and has a value system closely aligned with that of One Planet Group.

Payam Zamani
Founder & CEO
One Planet Group
Gravity Short Series
Gravity Short Series
Gravity Short Series


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