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Launched the 'Worthy' campaign, promoting self-love and acceptance among youth, with widespread community impact in Burlington, Vermont.


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Spearheaded the 'Worthy' campaign in response to a series of tragic events in local schools post-COVID, aiming to promote self-love and acceptance among middle and high school students in Burlington, Vermont. Partnering with a local mental health organization, the campaign was designed to affirm that everyone is worthy of love and belonging, independent of achievements or societal standards.


Given the pro bono nature of the project, resource allocation was entirely voluntary. Despite this, the team at Equality fully committed to making a substantial impact, focusing on the cause rather than profit.

Creative Vision & Execution

Led the campaign from concept to execution, crafting the core message, overseeing design, and coordinating community engagement. Recognizing that Gen Z values authenticity, we created an unbranded aesthetic with vibrant colors and simple designs. The campaign emphasized the message over the medium, supporting local events and offering direct support to students. I personally contributed to designing key visual elements and volunteered for livestream productions to support youth during the 'stay at home' era.




The campaign was highly successful, with significant outreach during local events like the pride festival. Merchandise such as hoodies and shirts became symbols of the campaign's message, facilitating meaningful connections with mental health resources.

The campaign enhanced Equality's reputation in the community and provided a model for future initiatives, demonstrating the power of community-focused campaigns to drive change.

The 'Worthy' campaign reinforced our commitment to social impact, showing how thoughtful design and genuine messaging can drive positive community change.

Work with me


Working with Jo Lord and the team at Equality on the Eden Valley rebranding project was a game-changer. Initially, we struggled to define our brand's look and feel. Jo masterfully transformed our vague ideas into a compelling, welcoming identity that exceeded our expectations.

The results speak for themselves: a staggering 1,033% increase in patient enrollment and a newfound community trust. Jo's innovative approach and meticulous attention to detail created a fresh aesthetic that now defines our brand.

Jo's leadership and seamless collaboration turned our challenges into triumphs, fostering a collaborative environment that brought out the best in our team. We now take immense pride in our branding, thanks to Jo and the Equality team.

If you want a transformative leader who can turn your vision into reality, Jo Lord is your go-to expert.

Savannah L
Founder & Director
Eden Valley


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